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Melanie Anderson Blog Post Bio1610

This Article was talking about how crushing wood and removing some of its polymers will increase its strength. It’s much stronger than natural wood and laminated densified wood. I chose this article because I thought it was interesting to see if the monolayer densified wood would appear stronger than steel as it says in the subtitle.

It formed a question for myself of why would monolayer densified wood appear stronger than steel? To me that seems unreal. I think of how frail and breakable wood can be and then think about how strong and sturdy steel is.  Throughout the article it explains that they did a test of firing pellets at the wood (which they do to test vehicles).  It turns out that monolayer densified wood does indeed appear stronger than the material that they use for cars. It says that the material might be suitable for the use of cars. This information is very useful to our nation/society; if they chose to use the monolayer densified wood for future cars. People would need to be aware of why they chose to switch and know that it is safe for the make of their car or other things they might use it for. Most people might think since it’s wood that it is fragile and won’t hold very well, like I did at first. This article is able to help them understand the importance of densifying.
w and proof of how strong it really is.


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