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Discovery of an Allkaruen Koi Fossil By Janae Stubbs

In the article New Species of Pterosaur Discovered in Patagonia, there were scientists who found a new species of Pterosaur in the South American region. The remains of the fossil was in perfect condition and was well preserved from many years ago. Scientists discovered the fossils cranial bones and studied the bones that were left in the remains of the new species. The other parts of the fossil were well persevered and they allowed the researchers to study the brain with 3D machines and learn more about the dinosaur. They found that it lived in the Early Jurassic Era. After studying the bones and brain of the fossil the researchers decided to name the creature Allkauren Koi witch stands for brain and ancient in the Native tongue.

The Allkauren Koi is a flying dinosaur that lived during the Mesozoic Era. Allkauren Koi belongs to the family of Pterosaur and adapted itself to become lighter so that it could fly easier. The fossil of Allkauren Koi will be a great addition for researchers to study and find information about Pterosaurs.

 I chose to read this article because fossils and old remains intrigue me and I find it fascinating to learn about the creatures and animals that once roamed our planet before our time. Learning about newly discovered fossils helps the world to understand and get a glimpse into the past of what our earth was like. The fossils can also help scientists to study there theories on evolution and can help them to prove why evolution was needed to survive.


J, Peer. “New Species of Pterosaur Discovered in Patagonia.” New Species of Pterosaur Discovered in
Patagonia, Biology News Net, 30 Aug. 2016, 05:36 PM,


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